Sales tax compliance

Our clients trust us to handle the complexities of sales tax compliance with precision. We ensure they remain compliant across jurisdictions, avoid costly penalties, and stay ahead of legislative changes.
By managing tasks like nexus determination, exemption certifications, and multi-state filings, we solve the challenges that can disrupt their operations.

For our clients, sales tax compliance is no longer a burden
it’s a seamless, reliable process.

  • Sales Tax Registration and Nexus Analysis:

    We evaluate your business activities to determine where you have sales tax obligations and assist with the registration process in those jurisdictions.

  • Accurate Tax Calculation and Filing:

    We ensure precise calculation of sales taxes due and handle the timely preparation and filing of all required returns.

  • Audit Support and Representation:

    In the event of a sales tax audit, we provide expert guidance & representation to protect your interests and achieve the best possible outcome.

  • Ongoing Compliance Monitoring:

    We continually monitor changes in tax laws and regulations that may affect your business, keeping you informed and compliant at all times.

  • Importance for Individuals and Businesses:

    Avoid costly penalties, legal consequences, and maintain a strong financial reputation.

Let us handle the complexities so you can focus on growing your business confidently.

Hiltzik CPA

At Hiltzik CPA, we excel in precise financial
management tailored to your needs.

Contact Us

244 Fifth Avenue, Suite D203
New York, NY 10001

+1 ‪(212) 729-3938